A diamond quotation is based on several variables including the technical characteristics of the stone and demand and supply at any given time.

The importance of the Rapaport for diamond quotations
Our advice to anyone wishing to have a diamond evaluated is not to get caught up in unnecessary research regarding the Rapaport, which refers to perfectly cut diamonds with D-to-M colour-grading and P3 IF clarity and excludes the multiple combinations of diamonds and coloured stones. Moreover, having only the “perfect” cut as a point of reference, it prices perfectly cut diamonds and badly cut diamonds of the same weight, colour and purity equally.

valutazione di un diamante

Our quotations

Our diamond evaluation and quotation process is transparent and professional, as well as being performed totally free-of-charge and not subject to commitments of any kind.

Also initially based on the Rapaport quotations, we guarantee our customers a level of professionalism that is inherent in a company that has been working in an industry for generations: a consolidated relationship of trust with the largest operators in the precious stones industry; continuous presence at leading international diamond bourses; continuous updates on worldwide market prices and trends.

Please also note that it is impossible to find identical gems on the market, meaning that each diamond is different from any other… even the one you own and are thinking of having evaluated… it is the only one in the world!